On top of the 409 orangutans currently in our care in Borneo, BOS Foundation also cares for 72 rescued sun bears, including cubs like Adele.
When Adele came to us, she was only a month old, dehydrated, distressed, and couldn’t open her eyes. We do not know what happened to her mother and can only imagine that she likely fell victim to poaching or habitat destruction.
Rescued orphaned cubs often require 24 hour care and it costs approximately $30,000 AUD a month to provide food, shelter and care for all of the sun bears.
Sadly, these sun bears are unable to be released. But we are committed to continue caring for them; providing enriching and stimulating environments that closely mimic their natural habitat, as well as ongoing rehabilitation and medical care for as long as each live, which in captivity is typically 30 years.
Please donate today to help give the best possible care to these deserving sun bears...