We need your help to help released orangutans survive in the wild!
Our ultimate goal is to see all eligible orangutans in our care live freely in the wild. But our job doesn't end at their release. To ensure the reintroduced orangutans adapt well to their new forest life, we rely heavily on the Post-Release Monitoring (PRM) team to collect behavioural data and send it back to our rehabilitation centres for further evaluation. The first three months are the most critical, as they determine whether an orangutan can survive in the wild.
To help the PRM team with this crucial task of monitoring orangutans, we need well-equipped camps and functioning boats to reach the remote release sites deep in the thick forest. Unfortunately, we currently lack sufficient resources to ensure the health and well-being of our released orangutans. That's why we urgently need your help.
Firstly, we aim to equip our forest camps with solar panel systems to replace the noisy and fuel-guzzling generators. By using solar panels, we can ensure that our PRM team has the power to collect data while reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the natural environment. Secondly, we need to purchase four boats plus batteries, as our old ones have broken down.
We must raise $35,000 by 30 September to kickstart purchasing the equipment needed to ensure our released orangutans survive and thrive.
Together, we can make it happen! Please donate today.