Please Donate to Borneo Orangutan Survival Australia Inc

Orangutans STILL need our help!

Amid this never before seen crisis, orangutans need your
​​​​​​​support now, as much as ever.

Today, we need your help just as much as ever – please consider making a donation now to keep operations open in Borneo.

Within an average year, our staff uses approximately 75,000 surgical masks. These are vital for the control of diseases amongst the animals, especially for our large populations of orangutans with chronic respiratory disease who rely on us completely for lifetime sanctuary care.

Now we are facing an increased need for masks and other medical supplies within our centres, increased prices due to panic purchasing, and reduced funding as all visitors and volunteers are not able to enter our rehabilitation sites. 

Your support and compassion really makes a difference to these animals and to us here at BOS Australia. We will continue to fight beside you for however long it takes us to get through this!


Please Donate Today

I have read and understood these Terms and Conditions in their entirety and agree to be bound by them.
A generous gift of $150 will help pay the wage for one of our dedicated surrogate mothers
A gift of $50 today will help pay for the medical expenses for a rescued orphan
​A gift of $30 today will help provide food for an orangutan for a month

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